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What are the differences between B2B and B2C lead generation?

Although they have the same core goal: to attract willing buyers, B2B lead generation is fundamentally different from its B2C counterpart.

For instance, while B2C lead generation uses techniques that aid direct-to-consumer selling, B2B selling uses other methods. B2C marketers typically find their best leads through traditional advertising, email, and social media says Hubspot.2 Comparably, B2B lead gen sources the best-qualified leads through search engine optimization (SEO), social media platforms, and email marketing.

But it’s not just about where the leads come from. There are other fundamental differences between B2B and B2C lead generation strategies.

  • Target audience: B2B strategies cater to companies, large organizations, and SMEs, while B2C lead gen focuses on individual customers. While everyone is a customer in B2C, the ultimate decision-makers in B2B are a select few, such as the CEO, management staff, or department heads.
  • Sales cycle length: B2C sales cycles are typically very short. An individual customer usually needs only a short while, as few as minutes or hours, to go from initial awareness to a successful purchase. On the other hand, B2B sales cycles involve an elaborate process with many stakeholders and lengthy negotiations. As a result, the cycle can take months or even years.
  • Sophistication: B2B buyers are highly knowledgeable about their preferred products. As a result, B2B lead gen and sales information must include high-level details that companies will find helpful in making a determination. Conversely, B2C lead gen strategies are more emotional and have less detail. The goal is to provide just enough information to get customers interested and close a purchase.
  • Relationship focus: B2C relationships are typically one-off. As a result, there’s no real need to try and build a life-long relationship from the start. But in the case of B2B lead gen, there’s a core focus on creating a personal relationship that delivers ongoing value to both parties.

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