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Benefits and Drawbacks of Being a Freelancer

Benefits and Drawbacks of Being a Freelancer

Freelancing is one of those things that tend to polarize people. Some consider it their dream career. These people are determined to jump in and follow through. Regardless if they’ll never make as much as in some corporate job. Others find it too stressful and demanding. They wouldn’t even try it if someone assured them that they’d be making twice as much as they do at their current job.

The truth lies, as it often happens, somewhere in between. Sure, freelancing can be stressful and demanding, but it can be equally liberating and rewarding.

In this post, we’re going to examine some of the major advantages and disadvantages of becoming a freelancer.You are free to work (or not) as you please. Or you can work from home or on a beach at the Gran Canaria if you feel like it. You can even wear slippers while you work, and nobody will call you on it. There’s nobody to call you on anything anymore since you’re your own boss. But that’s just the superficial stuff.

Being a freelancer also means that you get to decide which projects you’ll take in. You can also show any rude customer the door. Of course, you can design projects and implement changes the way you want, not how some upper management dimwit decides.

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